Dr. Mohammad Saber iraji
Faculty Member
Payame Noor University
I am faculty member of Department of Computer Engineering and bio Technology, Payame Noor University, Iran. I was graduated from software engineering college of shomal University. In 2009 I got my first master degree after my graduation in Industrial Engineering-System management and productivity and 2011 second master degree in computer science -bioinformatics. My major is soft computing for medicine applications and my research field focus on the fuzzy and adaptive fuzzy influence neural network for cancer diseases prediction. I published some 30 papers in professional journals and 4 ended research projects in this regard. Secondly, I published 5 books and I conduct some research workshops About 100 hours . I am editorial manager of journal-of-cancer-open-access and reviewer of several journals and conference. I'm very interested in artificial intelligence and its application in medicine and new articles have talked about this
Research Interest
• Soft computing for Medical and health • Chronic Disease • Cancer prediction • DNA • Survival prediction